Saturday, 3 March 2012

Beans and pulses

Ok so what else can you do with beans and pulses? Nina Thomas-Bennett inspired me last night! I am going to sprout them!! It seems this is a favourite with her little people and from the conversation between Mark and Ollie its a man favourite too :). So how do you do it? Nina did give me clear instructions last night, however, I have slept since and forgotten so had to search the good old web. I found a useful link on Youtube which shows it really is so simple I cant believe I forgot.
All you do is soak the beans or pulses in water overnight drain then rinse daily. They show a fancy sprouter but you could just use an empty jar and poke lots of holes in the lid (not so big that the pulses etc can escape) It takes around 3 -4 days or leave them till they are as big as you fancy then eat.
Here is the link, not because you will need it, because the hosts made me giggle ;)
Happy sprouting.
Cat and Mark

P.S. Thanks Nina :)

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